Thursday 24 February 2011

Ganga's Offering - Pt5

Tonight it was time to add a little contrast in throw in some lovely colours on the turban.

Apologies about the glare but the paint was quite wet and reflective when I took the picture.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Ganga's Offering - Pt4

One evening later and the basis of his cloak is done.

Decided to rename the painting to "Ganga's Offering" as what my Indian friend is doing is floating flower encirlced candles down the river Ganges. They are given as offerings to Ganga, who is revered as a living goddess- Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

Thursday 17 February 2011

Ganga's Offering - Pt3

Here we are on sitting (well standing really) three. I decided to started with the hardest part first and tackle the face. I was really nervous about this as the underpainting didn't feel like much of a guideline. However once I got going with all the colours it all seemed to magically come together.

I started on part of the robe but got a little tired after all the face work, and decided to pack it in for tonight. I am pleased with the results so far though.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Ganga's Offering - Pt2

Here we are again but with a little more detail.

I've never painted onto such a loose underpainting before but I have been watching many (many many) YouTube videos and this seems to be the technique favoured by most of the classic realism painters. All loose to begin with and then push the paint into shape until it begins to resemble (hopefully) the intended result.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Ganga's Offering - Pt1

For those of you that follow my blog (sorry Facebook folks!) I've decided to do something extra and walk you through my new project. It's a really tough one and I will have to be really patient and not speed along too fast.

Anyway, I sketched out a picture (thanks Troy) in graphite onto my canvas (16" x 19") then gave it a quick wash with burnt umber. I then started sketching over my original sketch using a less diluted burnt umber.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Turret by the Sea

Oil and Pen 6' x 3.5'

Experimental sketch combined with the weird desire to draw a turret!!!